But there is a prima facie evidence to believe that there is a connection. 但是,有初步证据显示两者之间存在相关联系。
Article 111 The passenger ticket shall constitute prima facie evidence of the conclusion and conditions of the contract of transport of passenger by air. 第一百一十一条客票是航空旅客运输合同订立和运输合同条件的初步证据。
The magistrate shall admit the statement as prima facie evidence that the accused person was the person in charge of the vessel or driver of the vehicle at the time of the offence. 则裁判官须接纳该份陈述书为被控人在该罪行发生时是掌管有关船只的人或有关车辆的驾驶人的表面证据。
Shall be received as prima facie evidence in any proceeding without proof being given that the signature to such certificate or document is that of the attorney general or of such legal officer, as the case may be. 则在任何法律程序中,均须获收取为表面证据,而无须证明该证明书或文件上的签署是律政司或上述律政人员(视属何情况而定)的签署。
There is indeed some prima facie evidence to support such a thesis. 确有一些支持这种论点的初步证据。
The Obama administration's decision not to nationalise the banks is presented as prima facie evidence of the oligarchs'power. 奥巴马政府实施银行非国有化的决策被当成是寡头权力的初步证据。
The statements in the air waybill relating to the weight, dimensions, and packing of the cargo, as well as those relating to the number of packages, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated. 航空货运单上关于货物的重量、尺寸、包装和包装件数的说明具有初步证据的效力。
Shall be prima facie evidence of such matter contained in such certificate in all legal proceedings. 在所有法律程序中均为该证明书所载的该等事项的表面证据。
The baggage check shall constitute prima facie evidence of the checking of the baggage and of the conditions of the contract of transport. 行李票是行李托运和运输合同条件的初步证据。
In the realm of international trade, it is a document of right of possession and a prima facie evidence of ownership of the cargo, and the object of pledge in the realm of balance of Letter of Credit. 在国际贸易领域内,提单是占有权凭证和货物所有权的初步证据;在信用证结算领域,提单是权利质押的客体。